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Tree planting

Posted: Sun 27 Jul, 2008 2:43 pm
by Matthew
I was thinking of organising a tree planting day in one of my parks.
This will be a great day to bring the family out and do some good for the environment. We will have a bit of a bbq afterward.

If there is enough interest it will be on Sunday the 10th of August at Balcombe Park, Balcombe Rd Beaumaris. Starting at 10:00 and running till about 12:00 followed by a bbq. I will need to know final numbers by Monday August 4 so that I can organise plants, equipment, sausages etc.

Let me know if your interested, and if we get enough people committing within the next couple of days it may be possible to get the local paper to cover it and get some club publicity.


Re: Tree planting

Posted: Fri 01 Aug, 2008 1:56 pm
by Matthew
Due to lack of interest this is now canceled.