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Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Fri 10 May, 2024 10:17 pm
by Jonno
Details for this years Snow Trip B - Camping trip to Mt Skene are as follows:

Date: August 1st - 3rd
Location: Meet in Jamieson on the Thursday at midday, trip will complete in Jamieson on the Saturday night.
Important Note, if you are not there on time, you cannot meet up with the trip later. We must travel in convoy due to the permit. No exceptions will be made to this rule. (Take note - Phil, Faith)
Difficulty: Medium - Hard depending on snow (might be easier with less snow). All small cars are welcome, basic recovery gear and trip equipment required. No chains required however one car needs to carry chains (any volunteers?). Big cars please discuss with the trip leader

Trip Leader:
Equipment: Self sufficient for 3 days and prepared for camping in the snow in adverse conditions (but hopefully we sleep in the hut)

General info:
As this trip takes place on a closed road that we obtain a permit to be on, you must be a paid financial member prior to the permit being submitted around 1 month before the trip date.

The trip will leave Jamieson (Thursday), drive through the bush to the Jamieson Licola Rd on the Licola side of Mt Skene (which is a wide 2wd dirt road in summer) and hopefully camp at a hut.
Day 2 (Friday) will involve driving some of the tracks in the general area and possibly summit Mt Skene before returning back to the hut.
Day 3 (Saturday) will summit Mt Skene and spend some time at the top hopefully meeting up with Trip A. We can all head back down into town for dinner at the Jamieson pub that evening.
***Trip plan subject to change depending on conditions***

Sunday is a leisurely pack up and drive home. please book your own accommodation for the Saturday night or arrange with the trip leader
Trailers ok, leave them in Jamieson

If you are confirmed, I need to know your Full Name, Rego, Make and Model of the car you will drive and # of passengers. First in best dressed, capped at 10 vehicles

Confirmed Attendees:
1. Jon Levin - 03141-M Suzuki Sierra (trip leader)
2. Cohen Gooden - 9563-H3 Sierra (TBC) <--- Please confirm cohen
3. Bryn Douglas - 84109-H trayback
4. Richard Mitchell - 93227H Sierra + 1 maybe
5. Steve Denny - 43740-H Sierra +2
6. Martin Govett - Suzuki Sierra - 73109-H

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Fri 10 May, 2024 10:30 pm
by Cohengoo
I'm in!
Not sure which car as of yet
but I will put my sierra down on the list
Rego 9563-H3

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Fri 10 May, 2024 10:48 pm
by Dougie
I’m keen, count myself in!
B. Douglas
Rego 84109-H

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Wed 15 May, 2024 5:52 am
by rmitchell
Richard + son (hopefully)
93227H Sierra

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Wed 15 May, 2024 6:30 pm
by stevend34
Yep - suzuki 437040-H. Also looking for a spare passenger seat for one of the boys

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Mon 20 May, 2024 10:01 pm
by Jonno
Hi Steve, ok for one of the boys to jump in with me from Jamieson if that suits you? Tell him to pack light!

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Tue 21 May, 2024 12:05 pm
by MartinG
I am interested. Suzuki Sierra - 73109-H

Re: Snow Trip B - Camping trip - August 1-3th

Posted: Fri 24 May, 2024 10:23 am
by faithannika
Heya, can you put me down please? Hopefully my boss will approve the time off. Might have someone as passenger. Faith suzuki sierra 1YW6RQ