2020/21 Club Membership Fees Due

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Joined: Tue 14 Jun, 2016 7:11 pm

2020/21 Club Membership Fees Due

Post by Damo »

Hi All,

Just a reminder that our club membership fees are now due for the 2020/21 financial year.
If you haven't paid for the upcoming year then please do so asap if your able.
I know that at the moment things are tight for some people so if thats an issue then please reach out to a committee member and we will sort something out that works.
This is especially important if you have vehicles on the CPS scheme and also important in the current climate to ensure we remain a viable club for another 40+ years
$85.00 this year for renewing members due to a discount we received on our insurance from 4WD Vic. Normally $95.00
Payments via EFT to
Suzuki 4 Wheel Drive Club Vic

Cheers Damo
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