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Sierra bonnet latch problem

Posted: Sat 22 Feb, 2014 5:58 pm
by davidsuzuki
I've got a problem with my bonnet latch that's going to need a metal plate fabricated and drilled out in order to make it mount properly. The problem is due to me swapping my SJ70 grille for an SJ40 grille. Does anyone have a drill press and metal cutting equipment that can help me sort this one out??? Shouldn't take too long with the right equipment.

Re: Sierra bonnet latch problem

Posted: Sat 22 Feb, 2014 6:22 pm
by gwagensteve
If you don't get it sorted by the labour day weekend, I can help the weekend after ( Sunday 16th) sorry I can't help sooner, I'm far too busy getting ready for the tour.


Re: Sierra bonnet latch problem

Posted: Sat 22 Feb, 2014 7:36 pm
by davidsuzuki
That would be great , thanks for the offer Steve. Sunday the 16th of March is fine, just send me a message the week before and confirm you're still free on that day.
