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Wine dinner- Great Success! Another later in the year?

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2012 6:00 pm
by gwagensteve
I mentioned this briefly at the July club meeting to see if the idea had traction, and as it looked positive, I had a chat to Phil, owner of The Wine Depository ( last night at another wine dinner we both attend.

Here's a rough idea of the details.

Venue would be Scopri restaurant in Carlton. ( they have an upstairs room that seats about 12 at a pinch. Phil runs dinners there quite often.

Theme would be "old world vs new world" - we all drink so much Australian wine it's nice to compare the Australian wines with their grandfathers from Europe. Phil's an excellent wine communicator and has a really good pallete, but he's really approachable and loves questions and discussion, especially from beginners. I've been going to wine dinners for over four years now and whilst they are a great night out earing and drinking, they are also really interesting and like 4wding, you never stop learning.

Significant others are very welcome.

Phil would be choosing the wine and the restaurant would match courses to best suit the wines on show. (Which is fascinating in itself)

This isn't a sniff and spit tasting- the wines are for drinking, not tasting. I imagine we'd be working through at least eight wines, from whites to reds. I wouldn't suggest planning on
driving home

Cost: $130 per head for food and wine. Cash upfront.

Date: this is where it gets a bit complicated. Phil's comment was that Monday, Tuesday,or Wednesday nights are easy to get a booking for. Later in the week is much harder and implied that the restaurant is more reluctant to take a group booking where the food is discounted during the weekend.

However, If we were booking in January or February when the restaurant is quieter, a Friday/weekend booking might be fine.

Please let me know

A) if you are keen, and numbers (ie if your significant other is keen)
B) how flexible you are on dates. I'm happy with whatever people are keenest on

I know this is a bit like trying to herd cats, but I need to know if this thing is really going to fly before I commit with Phil.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Mon 10 Sep, 2012 1:10 pm
by Greg
Fel and I are keen for some grapery action but are currently quite busy with work / biking etc.

i.e. if Jan / Feb suits the booking better, it would suit us better too.

Costing is fine, and with enough notice we could take a mid-week recovery day too if needed.

Please keep us in the loop steve.

Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Mon 10 Sep, 2012 9:10 pm
by gwagensteve
Thanks for the response.

In all honesty, Jan/Feb is the most likely timing.

Whilst there's plenty of wine at these dinners, I've never needed a recovery day after one, so it shouldn't be necessary unless there's an adjournment to another venue... if you follow my meaning.

I don't think I'll be able to attend the meeting on Wednesday.

I see this thread has had plenty of views of this thread by no other takers. I know it's very hard to commit to something without a firm date, however, I'm keen for expressions of interest/feedback so I know if I'm barking up the wrong tree. There did seem to be plenty of interest when I raised this at a recent meeting.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Mon 10 Sep, 2012 10:44 pm
by dank
Hey Steve

I'm definitely keen, sorry I should have replied earlier. Jan/Feb dates will be ok but need to confirm as I have a Tassie expedition booked around that time.

Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 8:01 am
by Gallagags
I'm keen,

Jan/Feb should should be fine with me also.



Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 8:08 am
by gwagensteve
Dan/Michael, are you guys in singly or with your +1's?


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 8:56 pm
by Gallagags
Hey mate,

I'll be by myself.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 8:57 pm
by gwagensteve


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 9:48 pm
by dank

Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Tue 11 Sep, 2012 10:08 pm
by gwagensteve
Thanks Dan


Dan +1

Probably need three more.
