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Larbertouche trip report

Posted: Mon 09 Jan, 2012 9:49 am
by sierrajim
Ended up going for a quick run in Larbertouche Saturday night.

Up Robertsons Creek Track - awesome track with a heap of lines.

Bullock track - got to the bog holes and a mate got himself super stuck off the side of the track, blocked radiator, overheated, flat battery and killed my winch. Dragged him out, got it to the top of the hill and waited for another mate to drop a new radiator off.

Back down the hill and right on the track between Rocky and Forrest Rd (can't remember the name) this was essentially a flat road.

Then up Tea Tree which again had been graded not too long ago. There are some signs that it is begnning to errode though with ruts forming.

Good drive apart from a short wait for the midnight parts delivery. Night drives rock!!! :)

Has anyone done Rocky lately?