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Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2007 2:16 pm
by christover1
I started on the registration process today.
Got a VIN number from Vic Roads and got it weighed locally.
Came in at 220kg, a bit higher than the original plan, but I am still happy with that.
We used gal instead of aluminium, that may have added a bit?
And a much sturdier draw bar than first planned.
Its now at the Trailer Factory getting the VIN stamped into chassis and compliance plate fitted.
Not sure if they'll be happy with rim/tyre combo, we wait n see.
Then back to Vic Roads on Friday for more paper work and money spent.
Probably good we decided to reg it, as the cut off point is 200kg.
Vic Roads said very important to reg trailer if used outside vic.

Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2007 6:12 pm
by christover1
Intense anger :evil: :evil: turned to a happy smiling face :mrgreen: :mrgreen: late this arvo.

The Trailer Factory rings up at the last minute, sorry we won't put on compliance plate or stamp a VIN number unless you fit a heavy duty axle, hd springs and 4wd hubs.
WTf, its meant to be light weight and carry a light load.
I didn't want a :shock: roadworthy done, just some stamping.
I have to give benefit of doubt, they may well have been sincerely worried about my safety, that of the public, or thier own reputation.
But its my name on the thing, not theirs, and Vic Roads don't want to even see it to reg it.
Hopefully they weren't just chasing sales?

Anyway, on my way home, fuming at all the stuffin around, I called into Croydon Trailers, a division of Blackburn Trailers, on Jesmond road, who gave me a hammer and stamps and said go and do it yaself. Then only wanted $5 for a compliance plate. So I gave him $10 and told him to buy a beer or too. Now I'm happy, and $23 better off.

One company loses a huge possible benefit, and one wins.

Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2007 10:12 pm
by gwagensteve
christover1 wrote: One company loses a huge possible benefit.
Look, glad it worked out, but where's the benefit? The Trailer Factory were just protecting their livelyhood. If your trailer breaks and causes an accident, the compliance plate says they built it. I'm not having a go at you Chris at all, and I'm sure your trailer's fine, but the company acting ethically here is The Trailer Factory.


Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2007 11:20 pm
by christover1
manufacturers name on plate would say home made. No mention of their company at all.
But i get your point.

Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Tue 13 Nov, 2007 8:30 am
by gwagensteve
I'm not harping on this issue, but a compliance plate is exactly that - a plate that confirms the trailer complies with relevant ADR's, just the same as on a car. If the trailer was implicated in an accident, they have no control over you saying "TTF sold me the plate and said my trailer was safe"(whether their nam was on the plate or not) I bet they would issue a receipt too for selling you the plate.

You hit the nail on the head when you commented that the wheels and tyres might be an issue. The requirement for HD axle/hubs/springs will largely be due to the load induced by the big tyres.

It's the same as an engineer certing a car - the tyre size you can run is based on the size of the bearings/hubs/axles, not the use you are putting the car to. TTF have no control over whether you fill it with lead and break it 5min down the road, but they do have an interest in ensuring that trailers are safe and comply with the relevant standards.

As I said, I'm sure it was annoying at the time, but I do understand TTF's position. I am glad it worked out for you though in the end.


Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Thu 22 Nov, 2007 12:20 pm
by christover1
Finaly its registered, camper fitted properly, and ready to roll. :D
We just need a good trip, and some money to go now.
I had to fit a handle to tailgate, as sunction from the seals made it too hard to open.
Could be a good thing, though.
I dispensed with the zip on the cover, altho it would seal better, it was too fiddly for me, especially if cold, wet and/or muddy.
Bunjee type clips were fitted, allowing for thickness of bedding, so it will be tight enough.
I will have to take a repair kit for the cover, as I've already made a hole in it :oops:
I photochopped it out :mrgreen:
I still need a jockey wheel for lugging it round in the garage, and maybe for relocating it at a campsite.
I'll probably go bigger tyre, for convenience, and higher load rating for when we both in it when not hooked up to the car.
Will need support legs in that situation, too.
But it is ready to roll now, just will leave it hooked up.

Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Thu 22 Nov, 2007 8:11 pm
by gwagensteve
Contgratulations Chris - that's an amazing achievement.

You must me wrapped


Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Thu 22 Nov, 2007 8:21 pm
by christover1
gwagensteve wrote:Contgratulations Chris - that's an amazing achievement.

You must me wrapped

I am pleased.
Be interesting to see how reliable and long lasting it will be.
And whether I can keep my modifying hands off it fer a while :D
Only took 4 months longer than planned :oops:

Thanks go to entire zook club, members and forumites.
Also to outerlimits and forumites.
Also to my friends, family and strangers.
For lots of advice and encouragement, and quite a few parts, too.
Like everything I achieve its a communal effort.
cheers all


Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Mon 26 Nov, 2007 10:27 am
by christover1
Took it out for it's final Off Road test in Toolangi.
I'm happy, just need a camping trial now.
Rest of trip video is coming soon ish.

Re: zook off road trailer AKA Tadpole

Posted: Sun 23 Mar, 2008 4:12 pm
by christover1
Nothing earth shattering, but finaly got back to the camper project.
Decided on a caravan/pneumatic jockey wheel, for ease of moving it about on rough ground.
And was also very cheap off ebay :idea:
I wanted it on the left side, for extra support when tent is folded out.
I also wanted to keep it away from the spare tyre.
I'll remove it completely when off road, but will leave it on for local tip trips etc.
I had to be very wary of the wires for the lights, as they run thru the left hand chassis box.
I was a bit concerned about losing strength by drilling the draw bar, but then realised its 5mm guage 50mm box, and should be fine :?:
Next will be some support legs on the rear, for times when campers not still connected to the car.
Only one problem, I now need wheel chocks, as it don't stay where I put it anymore :roll:
