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Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Wed 04 Jun, 2008 6:13 pm
by christover1
I have had a naked head and face for ages, so I may just grow some hair and a beard for a change :mrgreen:

Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Mon 16 Jun, 2008 7:59 pm
by christover1
Been about a month since surgery.
Had a docs review today.
Healing well, hair growing back well (except where it aint meant to)
But I was hoping it wouldn't be grey again :(
No photochopping in this pic, so its looking sweet without my help :)

I still have to keep it clean and dry, but now no dressings needed, except if doing dirty jobs, or at times when theres a risk of knocks.


Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Thu 14 Aug, 2008 8:15 pm
by christover1
Thanks everyone for Your concerns, interest and good wishes.
I am turned on now, very

Got device today. At l;ong last.
I wish I was well enuff to get excited.
Maybe termorra ?

Gee whizz the world is a noisey place.
Hearing is brilliant, but I'm understanding the "off" button already :)

Go back in another month for a check up, and tune up.
Give my brain chance to learn new stuff, too.

PS I photochopped some colour into my hair, for fun, not pride :)
Image Image Image Image Image


Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Fri 15 Aug, 2008 4:48 pm
by andrew_wale
christover1 wrote:Gee whizz the world is a noisey place.
Hearing is brilliant, but I'm understanding the "off" button already :)
Hmm.. I wish I could turn my hearing on/off at will.
It would be good for the nagging. :lol:

Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Fri 15 Aug, 2008 4:59 pm
by christover1
andrew_wale wrote:
christover1 wrote:Gee whizz the world is a noisey place.
Hearing is brilliant, but I'm understanding the "off" button already :)
Hmm.. I wish I could turn my hearing on/off at will.
It would be good for the nagging. :lol:
Never thawt of that.
I may have blown my excuses for not hearing Image

Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Sun 17 Aug, 2008 9:01 pm
by christover1
I been a bit crook lately, I'm only getting a little better, but I am getting a lot more excited.
Drove Claire home today, which is about 30 k's
I could hear her all the way..tho this could turn out to be a negative some days ;)
She is happy, cos she can have the tv at a less painful level, and she can nag me more successfully ....oops I mean instruct me and guide me :))
If it don't work anywhere else, I'm still happy, cos driving was my main trouble..and my passengers main fears .

I'm hoping the automatic volume can be turned off, tho, as quiet sounds get too loud, and louder sounds clip it off...I'll adjust if it can,t tho


Re: BAHA Hearing Aide Possible funding

Posted: Thu 11 Sep, 2008 6:08 pm
by christover1
We had another BAHA Audio appointment recently.
I was quite excited, as hearing has been great so far, and I thought an adjustment may make it even better.
I had issues with the Automatic Gain being a bit intense in a few situations.
Not enough to bother me, but I was chasing perfection.

But by the time I got home from the audio, I realised I'd lost all the clarity, and was having trouble understanding people again.
I was quite sad, annoyed, and felt like somebody had stolen the last 5 years off me.

the audiologist said that can happen, and I don't have to wait 6 weeks till next appointment.
Thank goodness.
I am happy again now.
Maybe high expectations should be tempered a tad, or I should give myself more time to adjust myself, before asking for changes.
