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Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Mon 20 Aug, 2007 8:54 pm
by Phantomzook
The plan is to be at the pub for lunch. (Hamburgers etc ) However they told me that the gate will close at 130pm for a booked out function. We should make it easy but in case something delays us we should all take a roll etc along for the ride.

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Tue 21 Aug, 2007 6:55 pm
by andrew_wale
cj! wrote:As you are now promoting it as a newbies type trip, may I suggest that you keep it to easy side of things.
If it turns out to be medium, I will get Eric to put on the 35" Simex's

As for me I will take the by pass tracks etc if there are any.

p.s I will not tell the Mrs, it may be a medium trip. I have convinced her it will be an easy social day

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Fri 24 Aug, 2007 5:12 pm
by cj!
I won't be coming now. Need to spend some time at home with Marion before she has to fly to Europe. Looks like you'll have a nice day out.

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 1:18 pm
by muppet_man67
so how was it? any pics?

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 7:02 pm
by andrew_wale
Thanks to Daryl it was a fantastic day.

We met at Marysville Bakery at 09:30. We on on our way by 10:00.
I can't remember the track names.

It was an easy trip but some of the tracks were rather technical.
Large ruts in the centre of them. These eat cars alive.
If it was wet, they would have been at least medium..

All I can remember is a track called Short Cut 1.

Had lunch at the McAdams Gap Pub (Bed & Breakfast). choice of Hamburgers, bacon & egg sandwich, or hot dogs.

Everyone had a great day.

Most of us had dinner at the Marysville pub. Must recommend the Chicken Parma.

I have got some photos. Have to resize them a bit as they are large, will upload them shortly.

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 8:46 pm
by Phantomzook
Had a cool start but after the sun came out it made for an enjoyable day
We had seven cars
Three vitara’s, two sierras/drover and two miscellaneous, with guests a total of 12 people.
Aired down at big river camp then hit Petroffs rd which was still a little greasy.
From stockman’s reward we took
Frenchman’s spur track, well maintained
Short cut 1, GOOD fun with two options 1 requiring 33’s+
Frenchman’s creek track, still a little wet with 2 creek crossings
Camp track, long constant ascent that’s a little rutted to Frenchman’s spur.
Shared lunch at the pub with 15+ bikes same pleasant service as last year.
Back along Frenchman’s spur to mile track, good slippery, decent
Played on short cut 1 again with a lovely two wheeled display by Ross.
Back at stockman’s reward camp we aired up our guests Lloyd Eric and Ty and bid them farewell before setting off on the 4 o’clock track.
Foley Ck fireline saw Ross get a little hung up with a poor running sierra, then without even moving collected two bikes descending the hill, one ending up under the car, who Andrew finished off with his bullbar.
Finished the days drive with a deeply rutted Fire Line No 2 Track.
Aired up at Big River Camp and then Tea at Keppel’s Hotel.
Thanks everyone for a great day

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 8:49 pm
by cj!
Phantomzook wrote:
Foley Ck fireline saw Ross get a little hung up with a poor running sierra, then without even moving collected two bikes descending the hill, one ending up under the car, who Andrew finished off with his bullbar.
This thread is useless without pics!!!! I want to see them :mrgreen:

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 9:05 pm
by Phantomzook
This all happened on the 4 o’clock track with 10 minutes of daylight left, a stressed and sore sierra driver and some embarrassed bikers who were not hanging around for the abuse let alone a happy snap. :lol:

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Sun 26 Aug, 2007 9:27 pm
by Phantomzook
Some more pics there is a limit of three at a time

Re: McAdams Gap Trip August 2007

Posted: Mon 27 Aug, 2007 10:36 am
by mightymouse
Thanks Daryl, a good day was had by all - including me, even if there were challenges.
Daryl saw a few aspects of Sierra driving that were new to him, so he's slighty more
aware of the comming "experience".

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, with a good assortment of easy(ish) tracks
providing fun for everyone.

McAdams Gap Pub did its usual - run out of hamburgers, but we mostly coped with
this challenge and managed to feed the group. We missed the snow at the pub by
quite a few weeks, but the views made up for it.

If we reversed some of the tracks we could make a medium day out of it without too may problems - perhaps one for the future.

Finished off the evening with a pub meal - and all present agreed that it was a pleasant
change to end the day with a meal, instead of scuttleing off home immediately.

Thanks Daryl.... a good easy(ish) day with some relaxed socialising.