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Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Wed 12 Sep, 2012 1:37 pm
by dank
Will it be Red and Whites or just one type Steve? My GF isn't a big Red drinker so if its Red only then I can bring another friend along

Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Wed 12 Sep, 2012 2:33 pm
by gwagensteve
There'll be both reds and whites.

Normal format for a general introduction type dinner would be maybe bubbles to start, a couple of whites with entree, a couple of reds with main, and then maybe an interesting "different" wine (normally a red) which is kept "secret"to prompt discussion, and possibly a port to finish. It could be whatever we want really, but I'm keen to do a old world/new world, so it might be a Chablis vs an Aussie Chardonnay, Mornington Pinot vs Burgundy, Bordeaux vs Coonawarra cab sav etc.

I haven't discussed the format with Phil - that's just a rough guide. There's roughly an $80 per head wine budget so you're likely to be drinking better/more widely than you'd normally quaff.

It's not unusual to finish up with a wine that has an RRP of well over $150 a bottle (that's rrp not restaurant pricing). I can't afford wine that dear so it's a great way to understand what premium wine is like.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Wed 12 Sep, 2012 10:26 pm
by Greg
I talked up this outing at the September meeting to remind people to get on board steve.

Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Wed 12 Sep, 2012 10:34 pm
by gwagensteve
Thanks Greg.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Fri 12 Oct, 2012 9:54 pm
by Mike57

You can count me in for 2 people. Our preference would be a Friday or Saturday evening.


Re: Wine dinner- EOI and planning

Posted: Mon 15 Oct, 2012 9:16 am
by gwagensteve
Excellent. I think this is officially a goer - I'm looking forward to this heaps - it's going to be a tops night.

Mick and Cailtlin are in too, so this event is now full at the planned venue. We could move to a bigger venue, so if you are still keen, let me know asap.

I will email Phil and see what dates he can secure based on Jan/Feb for a Friday or Saturday Night.

Obviously this is a holiday period, I'll try and get a few alternative dates so we can ensure full attendance.

I'll keep everyone posted.


Re: Wine dinner- Confirmed. Date TBA

Posted: Wed 17 Oct, 2012 12:04 am
by dank
Feb will be touch and go for me as I might be down in Tassie. Haven't confirmed exact dates yet or even if the trip is going ahead due to hydro tas dragging their feet. I'll confirm my availability as soon as I can. I am really keen on 1. Sinking some classy plonk with you guys & 2. Actually getting to sample some good wine rather than the 'means to an end' goon bag :D

Gotta Find a Hill hoist clothesline for AT13 and play goon of fortune. Most fun I must say.

Re: Wine dinner- Confirmed. Date TBA

Posted: Thu 15 Nov, 2012 8:46 pm
by gwagensteve
Possible dates should be confirmed in the next week.


Re: Wine dinner Saturday 19th January(?)

Posted: Tue 20 Nov, 2012 7:55 pm
by gwagensteve
I had a chat with Phil from The Wine Depository last night.

He's pretty open for any date Jan/Feb, and sees no problem with securing the restaurant, so he's thrown it back to me to sort a date.

I'm going to propose two options.

Friday the 19th January
Saturday the 2nd Feb

Who can make either/both? - what's your preference?

As an aside, I was at a dinner Phil hosted for Seonaid's work team last night, and It was the first dinner I've been to that was totally hosted by Phil - he's often had the distributor along, or been hosting with someone else.

I can confirm he runs a ripper dinner. We worked through 11 wines, all from Phil's own cellar - French Champagne to start, then 5 pairs of new world/old world matches. - two pairs of whites (pinot gris and Riesling) and then three pairs of reds - Pinot, Sangiovese, Shiraz. There was some pretty iconic wines in the line up. We ended up with a magnum of Craiglee Shiraz (1995) and a Crozes Hermitage (that's French) from 1994, and both were stunning

It really ticked all the boxes for what a good introductory wine dinner should be. One of the best dinners I've been to in over 4 years of doing this stuff.


Re: Wine dinner- Confirmed. Date TBA

Posted: Tue 20 Nov, 2012 11:32 pm
by Mike57
Steve, either date is OK with Vera and me. Missed the meeting last week , I was in Sydney.