Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

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Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by cj! »

Came across this. My concern though is the attitude that it will be closed until repairs are decided to be taken and that it is too dangerous to allow general use. If this is the attitude from DSE then where are we going to be with keeping the hard tracks open. Would a Double Black Diamond rating have prevented this?

Trail News
Track Closure Woods Point

Posted: Monday, 10th March, 2008 : 9:40 AM - - 1921 Reads -

Abbots Creek Track and Abbots Link Track have now been closed to the public using motor vehicles (includes Trail Bikes).
The tracks are closed from the Goulburn River to the Walhalla Road until further notice. You will find you can still access the river via Clarke Spur and the Johnston's Hill track on the western end of Abbots Link, but you can go no further.

The areas at the river junction are dangerous to motorists and will be closed until repairs are decided to be undertaken. For further information contact Marysville DSE on 03 59577111.

Be aware anyone found contravening this closure will be dealt with as required by law; it has come about due to uncaring usage, weathering and erosion. This track has always been a challenge but has now become too dangerous to allow general use.

Easter will soon be upon us and I hope to see many of you enjoying the area up here, there are plenty more tracks to ride but I want to reiterate, look after your own and the safety of your fellow travellers
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by cj! »

I have just sent an email to the FWDAV to see what their reaction is to this and to see what is happening with regards to the track classification training.
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by mightymouse »

I'm hardly surprised - its typical DSE and how they see their role.
What really is the issue IMO is what's FWDAV progress on track grading / training etc etc.

Keep us informed of any response you get.
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by zookstir »

I am a subscriber to the quarterly Woods Point publication, the "Mountainer". In the most recent edition there is a general information letter from the local resident police officer of which part of refers to this topic and I quote.

"Some of you may be aware of Abbots Link Track, Clarke Spur Track and Abbots Creek Track and the area known as Brooklyn where they come together at the Goulburn river. These tracks are extremely steep, muddy and slippery at the moment, they have been chewed up by continuous hard use by 4WD groups and no repair work has been done on them. I can understand DSE's reluctance to do this work as it does not last long until someone comes along and wrecks it again.
In the last month I and colleagues from Jamieson have had to organise rescues of single vehicles stuck in this area and their passengers, admitingly all were novice drivers using inappropriate vehicles for the terrain, who had trouble even reading a map. My job is to try and ensure the safety of everyone who uses this country and I have advised DSE that the preferred position of Victoria Police is to have these tracks closed and sanctions placed on people inappropriately equipped for the track.
I understand that the majority of users are responsible and try to use the tracks leaving as little damage as possible. I know you enjoy the challenge of these drives but the nature of the wheels and tyres people are using these days is one of the factors damaging the tracks in these places, when one of these novice drivers comes along they have no hope and is usually the case they have not told anyone they are going there".

So there you go, these closures appear to be initiated by the local constabulary.

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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by cj! »

Thanks for that Bruce. It is both informative and disturbing. I have emailed the Association with this information and as yet I still have not recieved a response to my previous email. We shall see what comes out of this one.
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by Phantomzook »

These were tracks that we atempted on the Australia Day weekend.
Clarke Spur track had 200+ m section that was on any roof top map pointed out as steep.
It had also suffered from fire and a huge water down pour that jumped several water run offs and eroded 1mtr+ holes.
With very little on the forest floor to slow the water it was easy to see this was not the result of 4wheelers.

Abbot Creek Track has on my roof top map and I quote" Warning this track is V difficult (do not attempt without some recovery gear)"
Similar to toolangi's rocky track.
A sign with similar warnings posted at the beggining of the track may help.
Having had some contact with the local policeman before perhaps I or the club could offer something :idea: to help prevent any permanent closure.

Maybe this would be a example of a track/s that would be gated and keys lent or hired out to clubs.
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by cj! »

Phantomzook wrote:

Maybe this would be a example of a track/s that would be gated and keys lent or hired out to clubs.
I put something to that effect in my email and have also asked about the status of the proposed access to MVO tracks as well.

It seems that my first email did not get through their spam filter :roll: but I had attached it to my latest email again anyway as I hadn't had a response. They have now got it and are forwarding it on to the person responsible for this type of issue.
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by cj! »

And here is the reply.

Thanks for the recent information you've provided FWDV. We appreciate the information and we will issue an email to all Clubs warning them of the track closures and dangerous condition of the tracks you have noted. It is apparent that inexperienced drivers are heading down difficult tracks and consequently getting themselves "stuck" etc requiring external assistance - namely the Police and DSE.

For a number of years FWDV has been proposing and pushing the introduction of a track classification system with visible signage at the entrance to tracks. This would certainly reduce the number of inexperienced drivers tackling difficult tracks and getting into serious trouble.

The adoption of the track classification system has been endorsed and supported by Parks Victoria and to a lesser degree by the DSE. Some eight regions have been identified for the introduction of the track classification system and the next hurdle we need to get over is training the track assessors to ensure there is a consistency in the assessment. This training will be arranged by Parks Victoria and as soon as this has been arranged I'll make sure the Suzuki Club is first on the list. I have been discussing this issue with Bill Barbas and have advised him that we must do the training first before we can all go out and do the track assessments.

We need to be patient, moving Government departments is a slow process, but we will get there.

In the meantime when you come across "dangerous" tracks and/or track closures please let us know so we can advise all the Clubs and challenge the closure with PV / DSE.


Tom Hona
Vice - President & Regional Reps Coordinator FWDV
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Re: Abbotts Creek & Abbotts Link Track Closures

Post by mightymouse »

cj! wrote: ( not actually cj's words ) ..... We need to be patient, moving FWDV is a slow process, but will we get there ?
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